The Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre was grateful to be acknowledged in the SA Parliament this week, as the House of Assembly led by The Honourable David Speirs MP, Leader of the Opposition, recognised International Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27.
The debate received bi partisan support from The Honorable John Fulbrook MP, Member for Playford and The Honorable John Gardener MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, who has been a long time supporter of AHMSEC.
By acknowledging the 27th January as International Holocaust Memorial Day and recognising the “atrocities committed during the second World War against many groups, in particular of Jewish faith and heritage.” the State Government “commends the staff and volunteers of Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Education Centre for their work on Holocaust education since opening in 2020 and commits to maintain continued vigilance against anti-semitism and all forms of racism in whatever form they take within South Australia community today and into the future“